Monday, October 24, 2011

11 for 2011

Since we were looking at the video Life in a Day we have to answer some questions in our own words.
    What do you have in your pocket? In my pocket I always have my phone and some money for the school day.
 What was the last bthing that u drank? The last thing that I drank was a water.
What makes you happy? My friends and my family!! We are having fun all together.
What was the last really nice thing you did for someone? I helped my brother with his homework.
What scares you? The thieves scares me!!
What was the last movie you saw? Mistika tis Edem.
What was the last song you sang? Party Rock.
What was the last thing you bought? A short and a t-shirt.
What you couldnt live without? My friends,family and laptop.
What do you hope for? Get good grades on all my report cards.